
Performance Review at WTJU, Presented by Third Rail

On Feb 15, 8-9pm, WTJU's Third Rail presents local improv band, Performance Review. This free event is open to all at 2244 Ivy Rd. You can also listen on-air & online or video stream on FB & YouTube.

On the third Saturday in February WTJU Rock's Third Rail presents local psych-kraut improv band, Performance Review. This free event is open to all at 2244 Ivy Rd. There is no cover charge but donations to the band are welcomed. You can also listen on 91.1 FM, stream via, and video stream on WTJU’s Facebook and YouTube channels.

Performance Review is the psych-kraut improvisational brainchild of Charlottesville musicians Matt Datesman, Dave Gibson, Brian Knox, and Renee Reighart. After five years of near-weekly improv rehearsals, the group has developed a sound that is a little bit spacey, a little bit poppy, sometimes chill, and other times face melting. With a backlog of recorded jams totaling days, if not weeks, of material, it’s safe to say that Performance Review’s biggest influence is themselves.