UVA Dancers

Vice Provost for the Arts Rolling Grants are available throughout the year. These grants are smaller in nature, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand to help supplement the incredible work that our Faculty, Staff, & Students are already doing. When possible, we also support Community Projects that have a UVA tie-in. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to fund individual student projects through this granting process, but you can email Emma Terry to inquire about another opportunity. For the Rolling Grant, please email Emma Terry a 2-3 sentence pitch/summary, including a rough estimate of the amount you are seeking, and she will be in touch with an application if it fits within our funding parameters! 

Please note: By accepting funds from the Vice Provost for the Arts, you agree to provide us with a short follow-up report to be published online, including relevant images & marketing publications, directly following the completion of your project. Please credit UVA Arts and the Office of the Provost & the Vice Provost for the Arts as a [co-]sponsor/supporter in any marketing material and include the UVA Arts Logo below (or contact Emma for more versions of the UVA Arts logo).

Fine Print: UVA Arts is not meant to be an on-going, recurring funding source/line item in your budget, as we do not have funds to sustain all of the departments, programs and student groups year after year. We strive to help with new initiatives, opportunities, and events that highlight the amazing artistic work of our students, staff & faculty.

Things we are unable to fund: bands or performance groups to play parties, t-shirts and other swag for events, and trophies :: requests for equipment may be considered, but must remain the property of UVA. 

UVA Arts Logo.png